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15 Mar 2014

Helpful Study Apps

There are thousands of apps to help you do a thousand different things. Here are some apps that may help you stay organised and on top of your work. 

1. 30/30

Up first is an app called 30/30. Its a really effective task manager that breaks up each task into timed chunks of up to 30 minutes. It lays out what you need to do and shows you exactly how long you've got to do it.

Pros: This app is great for procrastinators to keep you focused with revision/homework. It lets you set different task to different times and then starts an on screen countdown to show you how long you have left to complete it.

Cons: Although generally user friendly it is a little difficult to get to grips with how to use the app at first. But once you've got the hang of it you're good to go.

2. SQA :Timetable Builder

This app lets you create your own study plan. It lets you import your exam schedule and use it to generate a study plan.

Pros: You can also add in your own subjects, prioritize how much time you want to spend on each and schedule the amount of time you want to study. The app will then build your custom study plan.

Cons: This app could do with a few extra features such as checklist so you know what you have and haven't completed.

3. Coffeetivity 

Some people find that they work well in coffee shops or in settings with a bit of background noise. This app plays those sound and you can add you own music from the iTunes library. There are different setting such as 'morning murmur' , 'lunchtime lounge' , or even 'Australian Cafe'. You can enjoy the atmosphere of a coffee shop from the comfort of your own home.

Pros: You can add you own music from the iTunes library. You can use sound from this to block out sounds that disturb you. The sounds are very realistic, you can almost smell the coffee! This is a good alternative if you get to carried away by musics as well. 

Cons: Its not free, (but it is only £0.69) .

4. Exam Count Down

This one is pretty self explanatory . This app shows you exactly how many days, hours and minutes you have till your exam. 

Pros: May help some people to motivate themselves to grab those books and start doing some work. Good wake up call if you're in denial and think you've got plenty of time.

Cons: Access to the countdown is quite terrifying and may cause you to enter a state of panic.

5. Flashcards Delux: Lite

If you are the kind of person who finds revising using flashcards effective you might find this app useful. It lets you arrange cards into decks by subject/topic.

Pros: Has a mechanism that concentrate on the cards that you get wrong. I think this app is really if good you need to learn definitions or vocabulary (languages).

Cons: There is a limit to the number of cards you can make unless you get the paid version.

Let us know what your favourite study apps are,


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