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12 Aug 2013

AS Results Day

The majority of us come out of our exams saying "I can't wait 2 months for the results, I want to know what I got now!"
But suddenly we are whisked away by the excitement of summer. 
Next, all of a sudden its only a few days until results day and we dread the day. 
I know that feeling; racing heart, stomach churning and sweaty palms as we shakily open the brown envelope.
Then that split second of confusion when the letters and numbers on the paper don't make sense. And then it becomes clear and there are 3 scenarios which follow...

Scenario 1
You've done it! You got the grades you wanted and deserve and you are over the moon! All those late nights of cramming revision have finally paid off. You feel powerful emotions of relief ,satisfaction and fulfillment
Congratulations !

Scenario 2 
You want to fall off the face of the planet. What you see on the paper devastates you and you don't know how you'll get over it.You are disappointed with what you got. Your vision blurs as you fight back tears and you want to run away and lock your self in a room. 

Scenario 3
Mixed emotions. You are happy with some grades yet upset with others. You are very glad with the good grades but sad about the bad grades and you don't know how to feel. 

What to do next - 

Let it out. Whether they are tears of joy of sadness don't keep it bottled up. Don't care about what others think of you. Even if someone that got an E is composed but you got a D and you are a blubbering mess, it doesn't matter. People react differently. 

Don't Complain. OR brag for that matter. Don't make others feel bad either by boasting or by complaining how 'bad' your grades are, be a shoulder they can cry on and comfort you friends. They'll appreciate it. If you are happy tell you family and friends go out and celebrate and remember to work hard next year as well so you can replicate good results when it counts the most. 

Say useful things. One thing I try not to say is " Don't worry, a (insert grade) is not that bad". Because if the person it upset it clearly is that bad, for them at least. Instead tell them not to worry because it's not the end of the world, even if if that's exactly what it feels like. 

In difficult situations. Sometimes all you can do is a give someone a hug with no questions asked. 

If you didn't get what you wanted take a deep breath and take the rest of the summer to heal. You have learned an important lesson the hard way. You need to be prepared to work hard to get what you want. You need a lot of persistence and determination. Remember that awful feeling and tell your self you'll do your best to avoid that feeling next year. 

Good Luck ! 

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